Past Weeks Recaps and Randomness

It has been a few crazy weeks of waiting for our VISAs, working a lot, and finishing up this semester for school. This post will be a recap of the past month as well as some random pictures taken around the city.

Since our VISAs were taking longer than planned, we had to move to another temporary flat for a few additional weeks. However, the new place had an old school piano that was just tuned, so it was great getting an opportunity to play.

I love popcorn (love is not an exaggeration). I prefer air popped popcorn, but we are still looking for where we can buy kernels and an air popper. But wonderful day when we found this wonderful and delicious substitute. While it is microwave popcorn, it doesn’t have fake butter or other junk. Just kernels, sunflower oil and salt.

Happy day!

I finally remembered to take a picture of our church building, it is the Stake Center. We are in a hybrid ward with both English and Hungarian speakers. During Sacrament meeting there is someone who translates into either English or Hungarian (depending on who is speaking). It is interesting during testimony meeting when each speaker is different. Sunday School is split into Hungarian and English classes.

Some pictures of random buildings we walked by while enjoying the city.

This is the Central Hall Market, the largest market in the city

For Thanksgiving we ended up having homemade chicken Tandoori and Robert enjoyed his Magnum chocolate and raspberry ice cream. Later we had a video chat with my family and then Robert’s sister, Christine and her family.

On December 2, we had our first snowfall (and the only one so far). It was beautiful, but we had an appointment to look at flats that day, and since our crate with our winter clothes is sitting in customs, we ended up walking around in our tennis shoes. It was a bit cold and wet.

In the end of November, the city started coming to life with the Christmas spirit. Lights decorated the streets, window displays were revamped, and smells of baked goods filled the air (along with mulled wine…not a delicious smell).

We are still enjoying living in Budapest and are looking forward to finding a flat to call our own.