Walking Around Flat Hunting

While hunting for a flat we have walked the city around quite a bit. This post is just some of the random things we have seen (or eaten).

Technically we weren’t house hunting yet, but this was our first day wandering around the city trying to see which parts we would want to live in. We ended up stopping to eat a a restaurant one of Robert’s co-workers suggested.

Statues and book carts are everywhere.

I had my first American moment and wanted potato chips. Just plain ‘ol potato chips. Not paprika flavored, or Chile ‘n Lime, or some other odd flavor. Just regular ones. And then I found them!!

Either Asians love Hungary or Hungary loves Asian things, but either way there is an abundant of Thai, Chinese, Indian, Korean, Japanese, and etc food. Even a Korean market.

Of course every street you walk down, there are at least a handful of old and/or beautiful buildings. And a city would not be complete without some graffiti.

These two pictures are for Hortencia. Can you guess why, Hortencia?

I love signs like this. The “sz” in Hungarian make the English “ss” sound. So the sign says “Super Discount”.

Birds as also plentiful in Budapest. Mostly pigeons, but the other day we say a beautiful crow. The picture doesn’t really do his color justice, but it was a cool looking crow. And there was even a lady scattering out bird seed (though we didn’t get a picture of her). There have been many times I have started singing “Feed the Birds” in my head while walking around with old buildings nearby and pigeons walking/flying around.

On a rainy day while flat hunting we got hungry and still had two hours before our next appointment, so we stopped in to eat at a nearby restaurant.

The most delicious Garlic Cream Soup w/ Hungarian Fried Bread (my starter)

I am still loving Budapest and am excited to explore more. Our next stop is going to the the City Park.